Edible Medicine

Info and News


Ready to get your medical marijuana card? Our VIP package includes all state, medical and processing fees! We handle all of the paperwork. We ensure your privacy. All paperwork is mailed to and from our office.

Health Benefits

Marijuana is one of the most therapeutically active substances known to humankind and has been used safely for over 5000 years. This information has only been “rediscovered” after almost a century of hysteria, propaganda and prohibition.


Recreational marijuana is on the 2016 ballot for the state of Nevada. Supporters call the initiative the Initiative to Regulate and Tax Marijuana. It would allow up to an ounce of possession by residents 21 years or older. Supporters are pointing to the drastic potential for tax money and freeing up law enforcement resources and more serious crimes as reasons to vote yes.


This is a temporary list and incomplete list. There are currently no legal, legitimate medical marijuana dispensaries in Las Vegas.


—CW Nevada, LLC, 6540 Blue Diamond Road

—Euphoria Wellness, LLC, 7780 Jones Blvd.


Dr. Oz
Marijuana is hugely beneficial when used correctly for medicinal purposes... It Should absolutely be widely available in America.... Cannabis is a natural medicine which is less addictive and ultimately safer than opiates that are currently the standard of treatment.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta
I mistakenly believed that the Drug Enforcement Administration must have quality reasoning as to why marijuana is in the category of the most dangerous drugs that have 'no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.' They didn't have the science to support that…

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